Trustees with the Greater Essex County District School Board have agreed to cut the speakers list from the board meetings.
Trustee Cathy Cooke presented the notice of motion to eliminate the list during the previous meeting, and the motion was brought forward on Tuesday evening for discussion.
The motion asked for the speakers list to be removed from the board's by-laws effective immediately for board meetings and standing committees - which was approved.
The speakers list allows the public to address the GECDSB trustees on issues and topics that are outside of the board agenda.
During the meeting on Tuesday, trustee Cooke stated that the GECDSB is one of the only boards in Ontario that still has the speakers list.
Jeremy Palko was a delegate at the meeting and says the speakers list should stay.
"Keep the speakers list and partner with the constituents you work for to get out of the gutter. Otherwise, parents, please take your kids and run for their lives from the self-destructing public school board and system."
Cooke says it's time to move forward.
"We need to remember that this is a business meeting, a business meeting that's held in public, it's not a public meeting with an open mic. I think it's time that we get back to focusing on what we're here to do - and that's student success - and get back on track, and do what we're supposed to be doing without some negativity coming in."
She says there are multiple ways for parents to share their concerns.
"Such as calling the classroom, talking to the subject teacher, the principal, the Superintendent, Director of Education, or trustees. And if you're not a parent of a child in our public school board, you can also contact the principal, or administration, the Director of Education, you can engage with trustees, and you can also contact the Ontario Ombudsman."
Trustee Nancy Armstrong was the only trustee opposed to the motion.
Those who would like to speak at the board meetings moving forward will need to sign up as a delegate. If they sign up, they are only able to address items that are listed on the agenda.