A member of the Board of Governors at the University of Windsor will be asking the board to pause and review the agreements made that ended a pro-Palestinian encampment on the campus in July.
The motion from Daniel Ableser will go to the board on October 22.
It has three asks including: that administration pause the implementation of the agreements pending direction from the board; that administration review and present recommendations on what to proceed with from the agreements; and that administration report to the board in November with recommendations to address challenges caused by the agreements.
On July 10, the University, the University of Windsor Student Alliance (UWSA) and students involved in the encampment signed the agreement which has components such as enhanced anti-racism initiatives, support for students, responsible investing by the University, and for the University to disclose direct and indirect public funding.
However, Ableser says the Board of Governors was not consulted and now some alumni have stated they will be withholding funding.
He says he was surprised that administration took it upon themselves to do the agreement without approval from the board.
"My view is that this is the type of thing that's a strategic direction, it's not day-to-day operations of the University. This was unique, and I thought that it should've been based on direction from the Board of Governors."
Ableser says he doesn't want the agreements torn up, but they have caused challenges.
"They've been harmful to our students, they've been harmful to the University's reputation, they've been harmful to both the Jewish community, and the wider community. And so I don't want to look so much backwards, I want to look forward at how we can address that."
He says there is some concern with donors withholding funding.
"When people who have been long time supporters of the University say 'we don't want to be associated with that place anymore, take my name off that building, take my name off that room', that's something that I think should bring us pause, and to say 'okay, do we need to be more active as a Board of Governors?'."
Ableser says he's hoping the university allows this motion to come to a vote and be discussed.
The pro-Palestinian movement called "The Liberation Zone" first set up the encampment zone at the university on May 9 in protest over Israeli military action in Gaza and has declined to comment on the upcoming motion.