The Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) has issued a watershed conditions statement for the region.
ERCA advises that, due to the present ground conditions and rainfall forecast for the area, a Watershed Conditions Statement is in effect.
Environment Canada has issued a rainfall warning amid frozen ground conditions.
The Essex Region has experienced unseasonably warm temperatures and some minor rainfall within the past few days.
This coupled with forecasted rainfall up to roughly 30 mm for the region, may elevated localized drainage schemes in the rural areas of Windsor-Essex.
Rain may be heavy at times and with the present ground conditions, this may generate above normal runoff for this amount of rain.
People are encouraged to take extra caution and avoid areas where flooding is occurring, as well as rivers, streams, and shoreline areas during significant rainfall and wind events.
ERCA officials will also continue to monitor forecasts and conditions and update this advisory as required.
The advisory is set to expire Monday Dec. 30 at 10 a.m.