One of the partners of WKND Hospitality Group in Windsor says this past weekend was outstanding.
Matt Komsa says his patios were busy and he's expecting the same for this holiday week and weekend.
As heard on AM800 news last week, patios in Windsor-Essex except Leamington and Kingsville were allowed to reopen on Thursday as part of stage two of the province's recovery plans.
Komsa says customers and staff followed all safety measures that were put in place at his establishments.
He says it was good to be back.
"It was a rush and exhilarating to be back and see our customers again and be able to serve our customers on the patio," says Komsa.
He says customers were very respectful.
"Nobody wants to see us go back to stage one so as far as I'm concerned, we're doing everything that we can and our customers are doing everything they can to enjoy the restaurant safely and be comfortable and have a sense of security," says Komsa. .
WKND Hospitality Group owns The G.O.A.T. Tap and Eatery in LaSalle and Lakeshore, Bull & Barrel in downtown Windsor and Wild Child Nightlife.