Windsor Regional Hospital is altering its visitation rules and reinstating a no visitor policy at both of its campuses effective Thursday.
As of 12:01 a.m. Thursday the hospital will no longer permit visitors with limited exceptions.
"High patient volumes caused by both non-COVID acute health issues, COVID-19 infectious and COVID-19 recovered patients still needing acute care along with reduced bed capacity caused by suspect COVID-19 patients is challenging the entire regional health care system and we must do what we can to limit the opportunity for further spread of the COVID-19 virus," a WRH news release said.
The additional visitation restrictions come days after the hospital had already implemented a no visitor policy for patients who had confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19 on Sunday.
The hospital says the difficult decision was made as a precaution to keep patients, families and health care teams safe as transmission rates rise.
There are limited exceptions to the no visitors policy include:
The patient is paediatric (18 years of age or younger)
The patient is palliative or end of life
The patient is in labour
The patient is experiencing a life-altering or critical illness as identified by the clinical team
The patient requires a support person due to an underlying condition, i.e. dementia, mobility issues
"We recognize the impact of isolation for patients and families during this difficult time and we are doing everything we can to help patients and loved ones stay connected," WRH officials said.
The WRH is supporting the use of technology for people to connect with their loved ones in the hospital through virtual options such as FaceTime or phone calls. Virtual visitation requests can be made online.
A full list of visitation requirements is available on the Windsor Regional Hospital website.
— with files from CTV Windsor