Windsor Regional Hospital is expanding visiting hours as the province heads into Phase 2 of its reopening plan next week.
Starting Friday, visitation for two essential visitors will be allowed in regular wards from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and for critical care units from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily.
"People are still allowed two essential visitors, one at a time, in the building," says Chief Operating Officer Karen Riddell. "We're now opened up for a 12-hour period now instead of just one two-hour block."
She says the expanded hours will help families and patients until regular visitation hours can be safely resumed.
"It's a lot more flexible based on your work hours when you're coming into visit a loved one while they're in the hospital," she added.
Easing restrictions is a relief for both patients and staff, according to Riddell.
"It's been difficult for our staff. We all have loved ones as well, so we certainly can relate to the stress our community has gone through throughout the pandemic," she says.
Riddell expects visitation to expand again when the province enters the third and final phase of the reopening process.
There are exceptions to current rules for palliative care patients, minors and expecting mothers.
The latest visitation rules can be found at