The MP for Windsor West is pushing the Liberal federal government to include a Renters Fund in the upcoming budget.
Brian Masse urged the government to establish this fund on Friday, in order to protect renters, especially in the Windsor-Essex region.
Masse says with over 7,000 in the region on a waiting list for affordable housing, it's time for the Liberals to step up.
This fund would help not-for-profit organizations across the country buy affordable housing when it's on the market and make sure it stays affordable for renters.
He says the scary reality is that Windsor is starting to see the same housing crisis that exists in Toronto and Vancouver.
Masse says this situation leaves the Windsor-Essex community vulnerable.
"There has been an increase of significant costs to renters, so we're looking at legislation that would bring about some supports for those families that are low income, but also to some more stop measures for increases on rent, similar to what's been done in the past with rent control. So, we're open in terms of a couple of processes to approach it, but there definitely has to be a government response."
He says it's a heartbreaking problem that has been going on for too long.
"In our office it's a daily fight with people trying to get through rental processes, and we just don't have the affordable housing for people. And this is individuals that they basically often have children, they often have people in school, or they're going to school, and with 7,000 people, something has to be done."
He says he wants flexibility with a focus on families and young people.
"We also want to have some protections on rent control to ensure that there can't be significant increases on peoples rent, especially again in the family units. But also young people, we keep forgetting about young people that don't have the opportunities that we once had. And it's really worrisome because their pay hasn't increased significantly, inflation has been up."
Masse adds that no one should have to worry if they'll be kicked out of their home.
Windsor's vacancy rate in 2023 hit a record low of two per cent, meaning those who get evicted from their homes have nowhere to go.
The Liberals plan to release the next federal budget on April 16.