WINDSOR —The City of Windsor has unveiled some new safety features to improve Little River Trail in east Windsor.
Signs have been posted along the 6.25 kilometre trail which displays GPS co-ordinates in case of emergency.
If a residents needs to call 9-11 for any reason, they would be able to provide an exact location of their whereabouts.
The city received some feedback the trail system used by walkers, cyclists and rollerbladers was challenging for emergency responders.
"There are 12 kiosks, 13 larger wayfinding signs and 17 additional GPS markers to help provide various information to the public," says Senior Manager of Parks James Chacko. "All three provide the co-ordinates and emergency details in case someone has an emergency and how to best be found throughout the park system."
Windsor-Tecumseh MPP Irek Kusmierczyk says the work began when he was a city councillor.
"A constutient called me up and said she was on the Little River Corridor Park on the Ganatchio Trail and she had fallen off a bike and sprained her ankle and when she called the ambulance, she couldn't tell them exactly where she was," said Kusmierczyk pointing out the identity of east Riverside is about parks and trails.
Windsor Mayor Drew Dilkens says prior to this, it was a challenge to pinpoint an exact location to EMS.
"It was very difficult when people had incidents out here and they had to call 9-11 to say, I'm at the fifth maple tree south of the second playground at the back of the park and everyone is left scatching their head," says Mayor Dilkens.