New red light cameras in Windsor will be officially activated on January 1.
The initiative is part of a 10-year, $22-million plan to improve traffic safety across the city.
Cameras are installed at 10 targeted intersections and motorists will receive a $325 ticket if they run a red light.
Senior Manager of Traffic Operations Shawna Boakes says the cameras will help free up police resources as well.
"This enforcement tool is used across Ontario to supplement police enforcement by issuing tickets to those vehicles running red lights." says Boakes. "The intent of the program is to change driver behaviour and to reduce the number of side impact collisions across the city."
She says a photo is taken when a vehicle is at a stop while a second photo is snapped if the camera detects motion into the intersection.
"Cameras are triggered by movement and photos are taken after the light has turned red showing the vehicle both at the stop bar and in the middle of the intersection," she says. "Tickets are issued to the owner of the vehicle as opposed to the driver and they're issued from the processing centre in the City of Toronto."
Boakes adds the city is working with area funeral homes, as tickets are evaluated based off the Highway Traffic Act.
"The Highway Traffic Act does not allow for any vehicle to proceed through a red light at all even emergency vehicles, they are required to come to a complete stop and then proceed," says Boakes. "So there for, a funeral procession we will be providing some further direction and working with the funeral homes on this but funeral processions will be ticketed if they proceed through a red light."
A provincial offences officer will review each suspected violation and, if proven to be valid, a ticket will be mailed to the plate owner's home.
More information about the cameras and where they're located can be found on the city's website.