Parks in Windsor's Bridgeview neighbourhood have some new features.
On Monday, ward 2 city councillor Fabio Costante was joined by CUPE Local 82 Tresurer Guy Ladouceur and James Chacko, the city's executive director of parks and facilities at Grove Park to announce the new equipment at the parks.
The upgrades include the installation of soccer nets at three parks, new benches and picnic tables.
Costante says he contributed $8,000 from his ward funds for the improvements and says the city along with the union also pitched in the same amount.
"We looked at ways in which we can stretch the dollars as far as possible to create some impact," says Costante. "About a year or two ago we installed nets at Bradley Park in Sandwich Town and through out observation we saw that those were really popular and well used and so we figured why not do that here in Bridgeview."
He says residents in the neighbourhood were asking for the upgrades.
"One of the great things about this neighbourhood is we got so many of these small little parks but for as long as I can remember a lot of them have been some what empty like this one and so to activate these parks in small ways I think goes a long way in building community and getting kids active," says Costante.
Ladouceur says the funds from the union went towards the soccer nets.
"They can do three with the money we would be participating with and we agreed with it," says Ladouceur. "We thought it was a good plan. A lot of kids need stuff to do on their off time and at the end of the day for us, it's something we agree with."
Seven parks in the Bridgeview area will have the new features.
They include Grove Park, Girardot Park, Curry Park, North and South Merritt Parks and North and South Tilston Parks.