The President and CEO of Windsor Regional Hospital is anticipating a jump in COVID-19 hospitalization rates in the region within the next couple of week.
"We are projecting around January 10th for that week and the weeks after that's when we're going to see the impact of what's happening right now," says David Musyj.
Musyj believes there are more Omicron cases in the area than the current two confirmed cases.
"People sometimes look at our numbers and treat it like the stock market, they look at it daily and they go, everything is fine," says Musyj. "It's like folks please don't rely up on our hospital numbers in the sense that they're trailing indicators. We're going to see the impact of what's happening in our community now, in about two weeks."
As of Thursday morning, the local health unit reported 18 confirmed cases in hospital with seven in the Intensive Care Unit.
Windsor Regional Hospital updated its website at 2pm on Thursday.
There are 16 confirmed cases at the hospital.
Nine are fully vaccinated and seven are unvaccinated.