Getting around Windsor's core will soon be a little bit easier.
Council has voted to go ahead with a bike sharing program pilot project.
The initial roll out will include 450 bikes to be used in a 22km stretch encompassing the riverfront and downtown, serving roughly 30% of the city's population.
"We are one of the flattest places you can imagine so we are ideal for riding bicycles," says Windsor Bicycling Committee member Klaus Dohring. "Canadians are reasonably weather hearty, even in winter and I ride my bicycle year round and there's actually quite a number of, I call them, hardcore bikers."
Dohring is hoping the program integrates well with current modes of transportation adding, "bike share is an extension of public transport and ideally it should be seamless. Quite frankly, it's going to be a learning experience. Every city has its unique features."
The city has opted to go with a private service provider resulting in little to no cost for the municipality.
Work now shifts to finding a service provider to get the program off the ground.