The Windsor Port Authority is looking to combat climate change.
The port has received just under $141,000 from the federal government's "Transportation Assets Risk Assessment Program."
The money will go towards the port's Climate Change and Risk Assessment Plan.
The plan looks at risks related to climate change and will also highlight current and future conditions of the port's assets along the water front.
"What is their current condition, the state of readiness to deal with climate change specifically raising water levels or severe storm events," says Salmons. "Will our current port walls and port shorelines with stand the greater impacts of higher water levels or the significant impacts of really intense storm systems."
He says risk assessment specialists will be leading the project.
"This project using Dillon Consulting will help us define the current state of our infrastructure along the water front but more importantly what is it we need to do as a port to build resiliency to the anticipated climate change," says Salmons.
The project is expected to take up to six months to complete.
Once completed, the plan will assist the port to make more informed decisions regarding capital investment priorities.
The Essex Region Conservation Authority is also a partner in the plan.