An arrest in Toronto has prompted Windsor police to remind people that publishing intimate images is a crime.
A 16-year-old Toronto boy was charged last week with publishing an intimate image after he allegedly posted an image of his former girlfriend online.
The two were in a relationship and had broken up. The images were allegedly posted after the breakup and the girl did not know the photos were being put online.
"If somebody has a picture of someone that is a private picture and down the road, they want to publish--well that is a crime," warns Windsor Police Sergeant Steve Betteridge.
He says the issue is discussed during the VIP program in Grade 6 as youth are sharing intimate images of themselves.
"It is something that is in the criminal code now as our laws keep up with the times and it is very much a digital world right now," he says.
Publishing without consent was added to the criminal code in 2014.