Windsor police are looking for the public's help as they investigate a rash of commercial break-ins including five schools.
Three elementary schools were hit overnight: St. John Vianney, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and St. Gabriel.
A couple of more schools were targeted over the weekend.
It appears the suspects are smashing out door windows, ransacking offices along with the principal's office.
Over at St. Gabriel's in Windsor, a memorial bench for Karen Drago who was a well loved principal who died of cancer, was used to smash in windows and the bench was broken.
"It appears in all three cases, it was an act of vandalism," says Windsor-Essex Catholic School Board Spokesperson Stephen Fields. "The damage was extensive. They went through files and threw them on the floor, there is a lot of smashed glass and basically trashed the offices."
Police says since October 23rd from 7pm to 7am, there have been 30-35 commercial break-ins in the Tecumseh Rd, Ottawa St, Erie Stand Walker Rd area.
Suspects are getting away on bikes and in vehicles.
Police expect some of the break-ins are connected.
Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 519-258-8477.