Windsor's Moose Lodge has been locked by the Bailiff for non-payment of lease.
The building at 777 Tecumseh Road West is owned by Panther Recycling and leased to the lodge.
Bailiff notice posted on Windsor Moose Lodge door, February 5, 2018 (by AM800's Peter Langille)
The company originated in Windsor, but now operates exclusively outside the country in 2 Caribbean countries.
Panther Recycling President and CEO Mike Mosgrove, says they purchased the building nearly 4 years ago, but there hasn't been a payment made for 34 months.
Panther Recycling President and CEO Mike Mosgrove, at Windsor Moose Lodge, February 5, 2018 (by AM800's Peter Langille)
Mosgrove says he was unaware of the problem until just over a month ago.
"I thought it was all going correctly until Christmas time when the mortgage holder called me and said that he had an issue and that I needed to come up here right away." Mosgrove explains, "I came up and met with him and that's when it all actually started to fall apart"
Mosgrove met with the Moose Lodge Administrator Friday when the Bailiff locked the doors.
"We talked about what was going on and he said he thought he was doing everything right of course, and I said 'well how can you say that when your first mortgage is not being paid' and he said well, he would deal with it and I said give me a call tomorrow and see if we can work it out"
Mosgrove says he's received a lot of emails about the closure.
"He should be answering that, Number 1, and Number 2, I mean I see how it's going to affect the community. There's a lot of people that hold weddings here, they hold Jack and Jill parties and fundraisers and stuff like that. We do not want to interfere with that, but we certainly have to be paid"
Mosgrove says he's attempted to contact Moose Lodge Administrator Dan Batson several times since Friday night, but has heard nothing.
AM800 has contacted the Moose Lodge International representative in Canada who does not believe there is a problem.