WINDSOR — A Windsor man has been sentenced to six years in prison for a 2018 death.
In October 2019, Lamar Day, 29, pleaded guilty to manslaughter and will receive credit for time already served bringing the sentence to nearly four years.
Police were called in September 2018 to an apartment building at 395 University Ave. East near McDougall St. and found the victim, a 37-year-old man, with obvious signs of trauma.
Two people were arrested at the time.
In handing down his sentence Thursday, Justice Bruce Thomas noted the fundamental principle of sentencing is "a sentence must be proportionate to the gravity of the offence and the degree of responsibility of the offender."
Justice Thomas added, "The offence here is grave."
Outside of Superior Court, Day's lawyer Laura Joy was pleased the judge took into account the mitigating factors in the case including the guilty plea and remorse.
"It is very serious, it is a tragedy, it is a senseless death and my client is very remorseful and again we can't go back, we can only go forward," says Joy.
Day has been in custody since his arrest in September 2018 and has been taking advantage of educational programming.
Joy points out Day will be eligible for day parole after one-sixth of his sentence is served.
She says her client wants to better himself.
"Mr. Day and I are confident that he won't be back in criminal court, that he is going to be continuing his rehabilitation and that he feels deep remorse to the family for what happened to the victim here," adds Joy.
The case for the co-accused, 26-year-old Raheem Washington charged with first-degree murder, is still before the courts.
A publication ban is in place which prevents any further details about the crime from being released to not prejudice a potential jury pool for the co-accused.