Windsor is one of 10 communities in Ontario set to receive free accessibility ratings.
The province has earmarked $1.3-million in funding for the Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification Program. Under the program 250 non-profit, private and public organizations will be selected in Ontario for a free assessment to improve access for residents with disabilities.
Vice President of Access and Inclusion Brad McCannell says one of the project's goals is to help enact change when it comes to things like building codes.
"To create real meaningful access across the board and help them understand that meeting code doesn't mean you're accessible," says McCannell. "There's a giant gap between code and the real needs of people with disabilities. We have to choose the culture around design and turn creating meaningful access into part of a normal design process."
McCannell tells AM800 News existing buildings and new construction projects will be selected on a case by case basis.
"We're looking at what kind of building it is, do we already have five libraries, do we take one? What part of the community are you intending to serve? A breakdown of many different factors will determine it, it's a point system," he says.
McCannell says the application process is open until March 27.
For more on how to take part in the assessment program, visit