WINDSOR — Windsor City Council has approved a one-year pilot project to allow e-scooters on city streets.
As of January 1, 2020, the province announced that 'electric kick-scooters' would be allowed on Ontario roads as part of a five year program, but it was up to each individual municipality to make its own by-law on the issue.
Riders must be at least 16 years old in Windsor and anyone under the age of 18 must wear a helmet.
Over the age of 18, a helmet is optional.
"If we are bringing this alternative mode of transportation to the city of Windsor, we are allowing it on our streets, we should give it the best chance of success possible," says Ward 4 councillor Chris Holt. "So that's why we put in that recommendation that we accepted that recommendation that helmet use is optional over the age of 18."
An e-scooter speed is limited to 24 kilometres per hour, must be equipped with a bell or horn and passengers/cargo are prohibited.
Council also decided that collapsible e-scooters would be allowed to get on buses, because they can fit under someone's arm.
"Give it a chance, let's monitor the data, let's find out if the warnings that we are hearing about safety hazards, let's see that data reflected and relook at it in 12-months," he says.
E-scooters will also be allowed along the Windsor riverfront on the motorized path, not the pedestrian path.
--With files from AM800's Zander Broeckel