Windsor City Council will be asked to approve an 'Open Streets' event this year.
It would be slated for Sunday, September 17th from 10am to 5pm.
City administration is recommending that $55,000 from an Ontario 150 grant be used for the 8km event from Sandwich to Ford City.
Two city councillors, Hilary Payne and Paul Borrelli, voted against it last year, but it appears they've changed their minds. Both of them say they will vote in favour of the event this year, mostly because of the provincial grant.
Payne says some of his concerns regarding the cost have been addressed.
"Overall this year, I don't have any concerns but I hope they have a good day and good weather but if it comes back next year with a significant cost, then I will have a concern too," says Payne.
Borrelli says he's still worried about the sustainability of the event in the future.
"I don't think the city taxpayers should be on the tab on this, especially if you do it right and what I mean by right, how often are you going to do this, once or twice a year is not really that much," says Borrelli.
The report before council recommends using the same route from the 2016 event, but also recommends that administration be directed to report back to council in the 2018 budget on alternative routes and management of the event beyond this year.