The chair of the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit says we're not even close to getting out of the woods when it comes to emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Gary McNamara points to the number of daily COVID-19 cases, noting that if we were still under Ontario's colour coded system, we would be close to lockdown status.
McNamara says they're asking everyone to try to avoid large gatherings and continue following the protocols including hand washing, wearing a mask and physical distancing.
McNamara says for those who are hesitant about getting vaccinated against COVID-19, the message is pretty clear.
"We're not even close now to getting out of the woods. Those numbers, if we look at the increase and what those numbers are and if we were back into the colour coded areas, we'd be pretty close to lockdown again."
He says people must continue following the protocols including handwashing, wearing a mask and physical distancing.
"I think the big one is rethink the large gatherings, I think those are issues."
McNamara says they figured there would be a bump up in cases.
"We're entering the coldest part of the year, there's more indoor activities and so forth," McNamara continued. "The message is pretty clear that we have to be extra vigilant right now."
On Thursday, the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit reported 83 new cases of COVID-19, including 37 blamed on close contact with a previously confirmed case.
It marked the seventh day in a row that over 70 new cases of COVID-19 had been recorded across the area.