The Windsor International Film Festival is looking for volunteers.
Executive director Vincent Georgie says about 200 volunteers are needed for the 11-day event, which begins on October 26.
He says WIFF is Canada's largest volunteer run film festival.
"We are looking for a couple hundred community volunteers that want to be apart of the WIFF team this year," he says. "The festival back up and running October 26 to November 5 so it's an 11-day festival all in downtown Windsor. Looking to bring back a lot of volunteers that volunteered for many many years and some people that maybe have never volunteered before."
Georgie says WIFF is expecting lots of applications.
"Last year 2022 festival, we had more applications than even positions which is amazing," says Georgie. "It just shows how much the community loves WIFF and feels proud of it. So we're very very fortunate that way, hopefully it will be another great turnout this year too."
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Windsor International Film Festival Twitter
He adds roles vary for volunteers.
"We got positions at the box office, on our tech team, working some of our parties and events, working our venues, behind the scenes work, ticket takers, set up and tear down and want to catch movies in between," he says. "We're looking for all sorts of people, all sorts of skill sets and really excited to reconnect with our team and put on a really good show."
Applicants must be at least 18-years of age.
The deadline to apply is August 11.