Hundreds of people came together on both sides of the Detroit River Thursday night to honour women who have been lost.
Waves are stronger than walls took place at the Great Canadian Flag before moving to Festival Plaza for a vigil.
Organizer Michelle Mainwaring tells AM800 News, the movements between Canada and the U.S are all about solidarity.
"Very representative of what we kind of see globally, women are kind of taking the forefront in a much needed way when we look at the state of affairs and what's happening all across our globe," she says. "So many women are struggling and oppressed. We need to keep it in the forefront."
Mainwaring says Ontario has the highest rate of missing women in Canada, and she chose a missing woman's picture for the vigil only to be relieved she'd been found.
One of the women remembered was Lori DuPont who was murdered on the job by her former boyfriend Dr. Marc Daniel in 2005, but an emotional Mainwaring says it felt like yesterday.
"Kind of hit me harder than I thought it would when I had to say her name out loud and there is a couple other women here who are representing her and her memory, honouring that," she added.
Each participant carried a picture of a missing or deceased woman decorated in light for the vigil.
Mainwaring hopes to make waves for awareness for years to come.
Hundreds gather at both Windsor and Detroit’s waterfront for Waves are Stronger than Walls. The vigil of light and love is to honour women lost all over the world. @AM800News @CTVWindsor #cklw
— Gord Bacon (@baconAM800) January 17, 2019