Street Help Homeless Centre on Wyandotte Street East in Windsor is staying open around the clock to get people out of the cold.
Administrator Christine Wilson-Furlonger says the centre has been assisting more people the past few days because of the extreme cold.
The centre is providing those in need with a hot meal and hot beverages and is also giving out winter gear.
Wilson-Furlonger says it's a busy time for her volunteers.
"It's a lot more work to do," says Wilson-Furlonger. "We're not complaining, we love being able to help people but obviously preparing a lot more meals, trying to make sure scramble looking for boots that people are asking for, coats. We're still really low on on warm winter boots so we could always use more of those."
She says the centre is currently open 24-hours a day.
"Our staff of course are staying open at night to make sure that there's nobody out there that's going to meet some dire circumstances not being housed so we can't allow that," says Wilson-Furlonger.
She says the centre is in need of some more winter gear, including boots.
"Anything warm, winter hoodies, coats all of that is great," says Wilson-Furlonger. "The numbers as I said of people are growing. It's that more people that have been living out doors are having to find their way to make it back in, in this kind of weather because there is not a lot of resourcefulness that can be found."
Wilson-Furlonger says donations can be dropped off at the site.
She says once the temperature improves, the centre will return to a 9am until 6pm operation.