Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare and the University of Windsor have announced the inaugural winners of the "Partners in Research Seed Grant."
Dr. Cheri McGowan and Dr. Jennifer Voth are one set of winners.
Their research team will receive $10,000 towards cardiac rehabilitation.
They will be working with a group of local and U-S based researchers, comparing cardiac rehab models of care in the Great Lakes central region.
Dr. McGowan is an Associate Professor and the Kinesiology Research Co-ordinator at the University of Windsor.
She says they have one year to complete their research project.
"I think at the end of the day it's all about bettering the lives of patients in our community and helping people live better and hopefully longer," says Dr. McGowan. "So I think that's really exciting, is figuring out a way to maximize the programs and making sure that we're using all of our resources the best way that we can and ultimately help patients."
Dr. Jennifer Voth (L) & Dr. Cheri McGowan win a Partners in Research Seed Grant, March 25, 2019 (Photo by AM800's Rob Hindi)
She adds the funds will assist a University of Windsor student.
"The bulk of the funding is actually going to support a graduate student Kayla Wood," says Dr. McGowan. "She is doing her masters degree in the Department of Kinesiology and then the rest of the funding is really going to knowledge translation, so getting the information that we find to the community."
The other winners are Dr. Susan Fox and Dr. Nathania Liam.
They will also receive $10,000 for stroke rehabilitation.
Their research will look at the effectiveness of hospital and home based outpatient rehab services for stroke survivors in Windsor-Essex.