A quick change of course by Ontario Progressive Conservative Leader Doug Ford.
He made a campaign stop in Woodslee Wednesday morning where he was asked about expanding Highway 3 between Essex and Leamington.
Ford told the crowd "we will review it. Right now we'll make sure that we commit to the farming community and sit down with them and ask them which areas they want twinned."
An hour later Ford made a stop at Colisanti's in Kingsville where, as CTV Windsor reports, he told the crowd the Tories are 100% committed to Highway 3 expansion. "I'm here today to commit that we will make sure that we twin that road and make sure that there's never an accident on there again," he says. "Not a year down the road, but immediately."
Essex MPP Taras Natyshak tells CTV Windsor the NDP has already committed to the project in writing. "If it isn't on paper, then it doesn't exist and I don't see anything coming out that is a firm commitment from the PC Party," he says. "We've made it a firm commitment and it will happen on day one of a NDP government."
Liberal MPP Candidate for Essex Kate Festeryga tells CTV News Ford's heart is in the right place, but questions his party's commitment. "I applaud Doug Ford for saying that he will in fact endorse widening Hwy. 3, but I honestly have concerns that this is something he will actually do," she says.
The Ministry of Transportation recently declined to expand the road immediately, stating statistics didn't back a pressing need for expansion — but it is planned down the road as part of the 2017-2021 Southern Highways Program.
Essex County Warden Tom Bain is pleased with what Ford had to say but says the county will continue to push the province after the election. "When the election settles, which ever party is there, we're going to be back in Toronto knocking on that door to get the bypass changed to four lanes," says Bain. "So which ever party but certainly should make the process much easier if in they've already committed to it."
— with files from AM800's Rob Hindi and Teresinha Medeiros