For the first time in its history, the City of Windsor is closing Lakeview Park Marina for the entire season due to high water levels.
The docks will be closed to renters of recreational boat slips.
City officials believe given the current safety conditions of the docks and hydro to the docks, closure was the right course of action.
There are 200 dock slips at the marina and they are all sold out.
City Corporate Leader for Parks, Recreation and Culture Facilities Jan Wilson says it was a tough decision to make, but the right one.
"It has been a struggle with regards to the high water levels," she says. "We have numerous docks that are stationary docks and with the high water levels, we have experienced times in combination with the waves and winds, where the docks are completely covered."
The hydro junction boxes that are at each dock slip have also been submerged in water and the city has had to turn the hydro off for safety reasons.
"With the damage that is happening to the docks, they are starting to pop out, " says Wilson. "We have made the decision to close the docks for safety reasons."
There are still between 20 and 30 boats at the marina and the city is working with the owners to remove the boats by May 27.
A letter from the city to the boaters says "we will be issuing a refund to our seasonal boaters for the full amount that you have paid to date for your 2019 dockage."
It also states the refund may take three to five business days.
According to Community Sports Services Coordinator, Trese MacNeil, the city will lose about $300,000 in revenue from the slips. However, the ramps and fuel station remain open which the city will continue to collect revenue from.
Wilson says the issue will go before Windsor City Council June 3rd to look at next steps -- including the possibility of the replacement of all docks, including the west side and main basin.
Officials say the marina will still accommodate the police boat.
The fuel docks, launch ramps and tours to Peche island will remain open as long as water levels and safety permits.