The only doctor in Comber is about to retire, leaving residents in limbo.
The community in Lakeshore has been serviced by Dr. Raymond Anderson for more than 40 years and there is no replacement in the foreseeable future.
Beatrice Stacey has been a patient of Dr. Anderson almost her whole life.
"People from all over go to this doctor," says Stacey. "I was in the waiting room the other day and there was a woman from London."
Lakeshore Mayor Tom Bain is a patient of Dr. Anderson and tells CTV Windsor, younger doctors prefer to work out of health centres.
"Rural doctors are leaving us quickly where I can remember Dr. Anderson making house calls and that doesn't happen anymore."
Bain is working with Doctor Recruiter Joan Mavrinac to try and fill the gap.
"One of the options we're looking at now is having people go to nurse practitioners."
Comber has a population of less than 1,000 residents and nearby doctors aren't taking on new patients.
Dr. Anderson is set to retire at the end of August.