Amherstburg council will decide Monday night whether to allow retail cannabis sales within town limits.
Municipalities across Ontario have until January 22 to opt-in or opt-out of allowing retail cannabis sales within their boundaries.
Patricia Simone is serving her first term on council and says she's been receiving a lot of feedback on the issue.
"Comments that I've been getting from residents have been positive. They do want to see the cannabis retail storefronts in the municipality," she says.
Only one delegation is on the agenda for the meeting, but she expects a full house Monday night she continues to weigh the pros and cons.
"I do want to hear from more residents and just have those discussions around the council table with council and administration on Monday," says Simone.
Councillor Marc Renaud doesn't see any point in delaying something that's already been legalized at the municipal level.
"Potentially, right now, the way I would look at it is I would probably vote in favour," he says. "It's now legalized and you can order it right to your door."
He's also comfortable with the rules set out currently, but will hear what everyone has to say before making his final decision.
"Rules and regulations no different to a Beer Store or an LCBO that they're going to have to follow," says Renaud. "I'm going to go to council with an open mind and listen to what the residents have to say."
So far, Essex, Kingsville, Leamington and Pelee Island have opted-in while LaSalle, Lakeshore and Tecumseh have already opted-out.
Even if Amherstburg opts-in, the town wouldn't qualify for a licence until at least next year based on its population.