Veteran Cab is gearing up for what General Manager Walt Bezzina has dubbed St. Patrick's Day Weekend.
The holiday synonymous with drinking falls on a Sunday this year, and Bezzina says that could mean the party will start early.
"I think it's going to be party central for two days instead of one this year," he says. "We're going to have our full complement of about 180 vehicles on the road."
Bezzina is asking the public to play safe and be patient when waiting for a lift home.
"We know that's not enough to meet our usual three to five minute response time but patience must prevail," says Bezzina. "You should make a plan to get home safely before you take your first sip. If you wait until you're too impaired to drive, you're more than likely to make an impaired decision and it's not worth the risk."
Party goers tend to think calling for multiple cabs will increase their chance of getting one fast, something Bezzina says, actually slows things down even more.
He says call once and try and flag down a cab if possible.
"Depending on what the police do in terms of shutting down the roads, work around them. You're better off walking a block or two and then hail a cab as it goes by," he added.
Windsor police tell AM800 News barricades are ready to go should they need to close Ouellette Ave. on both days.
— with files from AM800's Rob Hindi.