More than 80 Girl Guides had the chance to learn about Science, Technology, Engineering and Math over the weekend at the University of Windsor.
The annual Girl Guides Badge Day event is hosted on campus by the faculties of science and engineering to help young ladies earn their engineering, science and water badges.
Faculty of Engineering Outreach Co-ordinator, Mike Konstantino says the girls learn some fundamentals of design and science, in a fun way.
He says hopefully the event will help a young woman choose a career in a STEM related field.
"We're introducing them to start thinking about that at a younger age, which hopefully will help them in the future if they decide to go that route," he says.
The Ontario Network for Women in Engineering and Let's Talk Science also contribute to the event every year.
"We always have girls that repeat the event because they enjoy it so much," says Konstantino. "They don't really get this kind of experience anywhere else, so we're happy to do it as part of the University of Windsor's Faculty of Engineering."
I just want to be as excited about anything as theses local Girl Guides are about building things and blowing them up. More than 80 young women are earning some of their STEM-related badges through an @UWindsorENG and @ScienceUWindsor event today. @AM800News #cklw
— Gord Bacon (@baconAM800) March 16, 2019