The City of Windsor continues to find cost savings where it can.
This time at the Lou Romano Water Treatment Plant where outdated system blowers have been replaced with new state-of-art turbo blowers.
Mayor, Drew Dilkens, says the capital cost for the project was $700,000 which will be covered through savings within four years...after that the city will save $190,000 annually on its electricity bill.
Credit photo: New turbo blowers vs old ones (Photo by AM800's Zander Broeckel)
In addition, this morning Enwin presented the city with the first of two $140,000 rebate cheques for the project.
Dilkens says he's urging more local businesses to look into Enwin's 'Save on Energy' programs to improve the efficiency of their operation, in turn, helping the environment as well.
The two new turbo blowers at the Lou Romano Plant do the work of the four old ones and are far more efficient.
Story by AM800 News reporter Zander Broeckel