Chatham-Kent OPP nabbed a man wanted for an alleged stabbing in Toronto.
Police say they caught up to the man heading westbound on Hwy. 401 near Chatham Wednesday around 9:20pm.
According to OPP, he was brought to a stop after a "low-speed chase" that resulted in the man ramming two police cruisers.
The man continued to evade police before the OPP Canine Unit and Moraviantown Police Service took him into custody.
Toronto Police have confirmed the man allegedly stabbed a woman and left her with life-threatening injuries on Feb 18 in the area of Elmhurst Drive and Lagos Road.
An OPP officer suffered minor injuries during the arrest, according to police.
The westbound lanes of the highway near Chatham were closed for roughly two hours.
— with files from AM800's Gord Bacon and Rob Hindi.