An operational change at the OPP Essex building on Gosfield Townline West.
Officers will no longer begin or end their shifts from the OPP Community Safety Office.
The change is being made to maximize OPP resources and operational efficiencies.
The OPP will continue to conduct regular patrols and OPP Essex County Detachment Commander Inspector Glenn Miller says the change is about streamlining services.
"We have other Community Safety offices throughout Essex County and just in order to be consistent across the county, none of those other locations are locations where the officers start their tour of duty or end their tour of duty," says Inspector Miller.
He emphasizes that residents won't notice a difference.
"We will still maintain a high level of visibility," he says. "If the community member would like to meet an opp officer at that particular location, they certainly can at any particular time."
He says most of the times, officers are out on the road and they use that location to do their reports or make phone calls.
According to Essex Mayor Larry Snively, the OPP is expected to make a presentation to Essex town council on Monday regarding the change.
The change will take effect January 31, 2019.