Improvements to a stretch of Hwy. 401 that has been the scene of several deadly crashes are on the way.
The province announced an expression of interest was sent out Wednesday to find a contractor to add concrete barriers and widen Hwy. 401 between Tilbury and London.
It's part of the provincial governments plan to build safer and better highways, according to Minister of Transportation Caroline Mulroney.
The stretch of highway has been dubbed "carnage alley" by many due the number of serious and fatal crashes over the last 20 years.
Founder of Build the Barrier Alysson Storey admits it is a good first step, but without any details or timeless, she's a little uncomfortable.
"We would feel more comfortable and confident that this is really happening if we saw some timelines attached to that," says Storey. "In 2019, we were told things would start in 2020 and now we are in 2020 and we are being told things will start in 2021."
Storey points out her group is calling for barriers and widening the highway for a total of 117 kilometres from Tilbury to London.
"We are certainly happy to see that 11 kilometres are spoken for but 106 more kilometres that still need to get done. It is a large infrastructure project so we appreciate it needs to get done in phases," says Storey.
Funding for the improvements was included in Ontario's budget last April.
The improvements are expected to help reduce the number of cross-over crashes.