The United Way celebrates 70-years in Windsor-Essex takes at the Giovanni Caboto Club Friday.
The 70-Years re-United Anniversary reunion includes displays representing the growth of the charity as well as the community its served.
Adrian Vido is co-chair of the event and calls himself a "proud papa" for what's been done in just eight months.
He says it will be a remarkable experience for the people who attend.
"The primary purpose of tonight's event is to say thank-you to the community," explains Vido. " We couldn't have been around for 70-years if not for all the donors, partners, and sponsored the past 70-years. That's the primary focus of tonight just saying a simple thanks."
Executive Director Lorraine Goddard says this is to thank the tens of thousands of people who have volunteered and donated.
"It is only because of all of those folks who gave their time, gave their talent, contributed financially that have allowed us change lives in this community," says Goddard.
She explains this is not a traditional gala, but more of an open house where people can stroll through, have some food and take in the displays of the decades and meet friends who have participated with United Way.