Staff in the midst of a COVID-19 outbreak at Windsor's Huron Lodge are holding it together through trying times.
"Obviously they're scared, but at the same time they're being very professional, they understand the work that they need to do and I think they've been performing it quite well," says CUPE Local 543 President Dave Petten.
According to the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, 42 residents and 15 staff members have now tested positive for the virus as of Tuesday.
Despite the outbreak, Petten says members at the city run home at 1881 Cabana Rd. W. have been given everything they need to work safely.
"It hit a particular part of the home that was very vulnerable, but in terms of the personal protective equipment, that isn't an issue as it was with some of the private nursing homes," he added.
Petten says the union wants to work with management on an internal review of the outbreak.
"In terms of what we may have been able to do better or if there was a different safety measure that we could have had in place that would have averted it," he says. "Management is working hard to address any shortages they may experience while folks are recuperating."
The health unit initially declared an outbreak at the home more than three weeks ago on December 20, 2020.