A protest and counter protest has taken place outside of Windsor West MPP Lisa Gretzky's office by parents for and against decisions made by the Greater Essex County District School Board.
On Monday afternoon outside of MPP Gretzky's office on Dougall Avenue, dozens of parents showed up for two separate protests just weeks after a previous protest outside of the GECDSB Administration Office.
The one side of the protest started by members of the group Parents for Parents Rights who are against the school board's decision to limit in-person board meeting to staff and trustees only, as well as concerns around gender identity regulations that have been in place since 2021.
This side of the protest stated they decided to protest in front of Gretzky's office as she was 'the only MPP who had not responded to a letter sent regarding the GECDSB boundaries'. They state that they were looking for a public response from Gretzky.
The counter-protest was put together by members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community as well as allies who are showing their continued support to the school board.
They stated that children have their right to privacy, and if children decide to not tell their parents about aspects of their lives, it should be their decision.
Steve Gifford, with the Truth Trumpet and for the protest against the board's decision, says he's attended many board meetings and doesn't understand how the trustees could not allow parents in to speak.
"Trying to ask questions and make valid, rational, factual points about policy that happens to disagree with the current policy or narrative, the board members and trustees take that as harsh, or offensive, when it used to be a difference of opinion."
A protester against what GECDSB's decision to limit in-person attendance at meetings and against secrets in schools stands with a sign that reads 'Leave our kids alone'. July 10, 2023 (Photo Credit: Courtesy of AM800's Meagan Delaurier)
Jeremy Palko, supporter of Parents for Parents Rights, says they want the support of MPP Lisa Gretzky.
"We want to talk to Lisa Gretzky because we want her to understand we want to partner with them. I'm sure Ms. Gretzky is concerned about children the way that we are. But the whole point is, what she should really be supporting is democracy, right? As her role as an MPP that means the people have to be engaged, you have to engage the people."
Ashlyne O'Neil, co-organizer of the counter protest, says it was intimidating to see the number of people on the other side of the protest.
"But to be honest, we had a lot of people who wanted to come out, and felt like they weren't safe coming out. The ultimate truth of the matter is that we're not posing a threat to anyone. We're here to protect the kids just like they say they are, but we're not infringing on anyone's rights. We don't want to make kids something that they're not."
Ashlyne O'Neil, co-organizer of the counter protest, stands with her sign that reads 'Protect public education from far-right propaganda'. July 10, 2023 (Photo Credit: Courtesy of AM800's Meagan Delaurier)
Joelle, with the counter protest, says she wants to protect the lives of 2SLGBTQIA+ children.
"We believe that children have rights, that they're autonomous beings, and if they feel like school is the only safe space for them to be, then we have to respect their opinion's and views and perspectives about what happens to their own bodies and their own safety."
In a written statement provided to AM800 News from MPP Lisa Gretzky, she states:
"Schools should be safe, welcoming places where every student can be themselves and focus on learning. Hate and discrimination is not acceptable in any form, in any place, whether in community or in schools. I encourage the school board and all parents to have constructive, respectful conversations about how to make schools a safe place of learning for all students, and how to reopen school board meetings to the public in a safe and mutually respectful way.
We have recently seen a sharp rise in vitriol, hatred, and discrimination against queer and trans communities. I stand beside our students, to let them know that they are valued, they are seen, and they matter. I'm proud to be part of an Official Opposition that is working to protect and advance queer and trans rights in Ontario."