There is lots to look forward to in 2019 at St. Clair College in Windsor.
President Patti France says construction is expected to begin soon for a new Sports Park and a new residence.
She is also hoping to hear from the province on approval for an 'academic tower' at the south campus.
"We are hoping to have ground breaking ceremonies in early January for a new Sports Park, for a new residence on campus and we are actually also hoping that we get ministry approval to do an academic tower at south campus," says France.
She is also looking forward to working with the new provincial government.
"Trying to do things like reduce red tape and be supportive and if we can reduce red tape and concentrate on core, that will certainly be helpful," says France. "So I think there is positive opportunities in 2019 to collaborate with the new Conservative government.
In 2018, enrolment at the college reached close to 13,000 students.
She also points out in the past 4-5 years, there has been a 48% jump in enrolment from international students but France admits, that is not sustainable.