Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare is currently operating with a $500,000 surplus. CEO Janice Kaffer says despite the surplus there is still a chance HDGH can finish off the year with a deficit or a balanced budget.
She says there are a number of reasons for the surplus but says sick time and overtime are down compared to last year. Kaffer says she's hoping for a balanced budget or a small surplus.
"We're about $105-million but $75-million on Ministry lines so we have a lot of other votes in the regional children's centre which is a Ministry of Child and Youth Services," says Kaffer. "Those are separate funds so the $500,000 surplus is on the $75-million which is about give or take ministry dollars so it's a small surplus and it could disappear quickly."
Kaffer says Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare is financially stable.
"This year, right now we're projecting a small surplus as it relates to our timing right now but we do know and we booked into our books into our financial expectations some recoveries from government this year," says Kaffer. "So, we may end up in a small deficient, we may end up balanced. We aren't sure yet."
Kaffer says HDGH is expecting a challenging budget year in 2017.