Taxes are going up in Tecumseh.
Town council has approved the 2019 operating budget and it calls for an increase of 1.9%.
Councillor Andrew Dowie says cost increases for things like water treatment and policing were needed and he doesn't think residents will mind paying more.
"In the end, based on the feedback received, they love the services in town and would prefer to have a small increase to protect those services and make sure that they continue and the quality of life is upheld here in the community," says Dowie.
The increase will add about $50 onto the tax bill of a home assessed at $250,000.
He says some cost increases were unavoidable.
"There are water treatment costs, police costs, inflation and just the cost of doing business in general led to an increase in the budget this year," says Dowie.
Tecumseh Councillor Andrew Dowie attends the regular meeting of council on September 26, 2017. (Photo by Ricardo Veneza)
The town is also planning a public meeting on the return of fluoride to the drinking water.
Windsor has approved the move and since Tecumseh and LaSalle get their water from Windsor, one of the two must vote in favour for it to happen.
Dowie is expecting a good turnout.
"This is an issue that elicits a lot of passion," he says "Those who care about this issue, it doesn't matter what side they take, really care about this issue and feel very strongly about their perspective.
The meeting takes place January 29.