WINDSOR — Teacher's unions across the province including Windsor-Essex joined forces on Friday..
6,100 teachers and support staff walked the picket line at 20 different locations in Windsor-Essex to back contract demands.
None of the four teachers unions are currently in talks
"Nobody wants to be out here," said President of the local Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association Joe Brannagan. "But it is great to have all the affiliates working together and all the teachers and education workers in Essex County being together at a lot of sites collectively and we are integrating our lines."
It comes after talks broke off Thursday between the Catholic teachers' union and province but Brannagan believes there is still some hope.
"Talks broke off a little bit, that's ok. It's better than the first time that they broke off," he says. "There is still some hope and we are going to stay out for what's best for the students and what's best for the teachers."