The Windsor Police Service is launching a targeted noise campaign with a focus on noisy vehicles.
Between May 24 and Sept. 6, officers will be targeting vehicles creating noise through racing, squealing tires, and loud vehicles like those without a muffler.
The campaign is being launched due to an increase in noise complaints and it comes after a new noise by-law was approved by Windsor City Council a year ago.
Windsor Police Services Board member, Ward Three Councillor Rino Bortolin, says the message is to be considerate.
"A lot of people like to drive or cruise the strip but in a lot of these areas the noise has just become unbearable," he says.
Bortolin notes that the noise is at such an excessive level, in some cases, it carries for blocks and blocks.
"I know that it happens quite a bit in my ward with very specific targeted hot spots, that being Tecumseh Road and Ouellette Avenue, as well has Riverside Drive along the riverfront, just the whole stretch along downtown," he says"
Bortolin says the campaign will start out an an educational campaign with warnings being issued.
"I think the warnings will turn to tickets especially if they don't see the numbers and calls going down. This is something where they will get aggressive and they have been warning people. So after an education portion, there will be tickets issued for sure," he adds.
In May 2020, council approved a new noise bylaw that allows tickets to be issued for everything from vehicles with a noisy muffler or even vehicles playing loud music.
With files from Rob Hindi