Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare is thanking the community after a successful Heart Breaker Challenge.
Over the weekend, more than 1,500 people participated in the 5th annual event at Malden Park. It featured 17 muddy and fun obstacles over a six kilometre course.
Event co-ordinator Heidi Petro says money raised stays in Windsor-Essex.
"To date we've raised over $400,000 that has gone towards initially a renovation project for a brand new cardiac rehab facility," she says. "Now our goal is to open a secondary satellite facility within Tecumseh and Lakeshore."
Heart Breaker Challenge participates (Photo by AM800's John Hutton)
Petro adds it's an important fundraiser for the hospital and the community.
"We have over 25,000 patient contact visits per year at the cardiac wellness program at Hotel-Dieu," says Petro. "In general our area definitely needs more cardiac rehab services so this really is important for helping people we've had a cardiac event get their life back and manage their future."
Proceeds support the Cardiac Wellness Centre & Pulmonary Rehab Programs at Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare.