A program designed to reduce Windsor's feral and homeless cat population is set to return.
The city's Spay and Neuter Voucher Program is going to make 260 vouchers up for grabs.
Each voucher is valued at $75 each and will be issued to those who call 3-1-1 on that day. Requests will not be accepted prior to that time.
City of Windsor Corporate Policy Coordinator, Katherine Donaldson says demand for the vouchers is always high.
"The vouchers are available starting at Tuesday, March the third at 10am. I kind of liken it to a radio contest because a lot of people are calling in for these vouchers at the same time" she says.
Donaldson says 130 of the vouchers will be for feral cats and 130 will be made available for low-income families.
"I think last year we used like 99.8% of our budget, which is a great number," she says. "We've seen a down turn in the number of cats that have to be euthanized at the humane society, so that's kind of evidence of this program working."
City council approved $20,000 in its 2020 Operating Budget to continue the spay/neuter program this year, to try and reduce the number of homeless cats and cats that are euthanized.
Vouchers for owned cats are reserved for low-income families and proof of income will be required.
For feral cat caregivers, a maximum of two vouchers will be issued with no income restrictions.
Vouchers may be redeemed at any participating veterinary clinic.