Measures to protect Windsor homeowners from flooding along Riverside Dr. will be offered starting Wednesday.
A sandbag station will be set up on Little River Blvd. west of Riverdale Ave. — proof of address must be provided.
For the next two weeks, 50,000 sandbags will available at no charge for residents living on the north side of Riverside Dr., between George Ave. and the Tecumseh border.
The sandbag station will have a city staff member on hand on weekdays from 12noon -8pm and Saturdays from 9am-5pm with the residents responsible for filling the bags themselves.
The city announced last week that it is planning to purchase a sandbag making machine. Until the machine arrives, the city is asking for volunteers to help fill sandbags, you can register by calling 3-1-1.
Forecasts of extreme high levels on Lake St. Clair and the Detroit River along with a forecast of strong north winds could push water over the shore into low areas.