Donations have picked up recently but the local Salvation Army Christmas Kettle Campaign is still short of its goal.
So far, it has raised close to $188,000 of its $270,000 goal.
Major Paul Rideout says he's still hopeful that people will dig deep and donate.
"There is always optimism. We are hopeful we can make this go, we have seen the generosity of the people of this city and area and we are hopeful that we will make it," says Rideout.
"You could never predict the last part of the campaign based on the first part of the campaign. Usually thereĀ are more volunteers so you are more visible, there is greater opportunity for people to give and people are more generous toward the end of the campaign which keeps me being hopeful."
The money raised goes to the Christmas program for toys and food and to stock the shelves at the food bank for the next 12 months.
The campaign wraps up December 24th at 1pm.