Concerned residents in Windsor's Ward 6 have heard loud and clear that their area is safe.
"I want to be clear. Riverside is not a crime ridden place," says Ward 6 Councillor Jo-Anne Gignac.
That was the message from a Community Information Meeting held Thursday night at the Collavino Hall at the WFCU Centre hosted by Gignac, Windsor Police and Neighbourhood Watch.
The meeting was prompted after Councillor Gignac received concerns about a perceived jump in residential crime rate, and a Facebook Page that was encouraging vigilantism.
She says she has heard from residents who have been the victim of crimes such as vehicle break-ins.
"It's a horrible thing and I understand that, there is recently been a move toward posting things on Facebook page in the east end that has caused concern for a number of people," says Gignac.
She says was concerned by some of the things she was seeing on social media.
"They wanted me to join a Facebook Page where contributors were indicating that they may start a vigilante group and so, you know, social media is a wonderful tool if it is used properly," says Gignac.