A historic site in Amherstburg is in need of some major repairs.
The Amherstburg Freedom Museum has set up a Go Fund Me page to raise $35,000 to replace its roof.
Part of the museum is housed in the former Nazrey African Methodist Episcopal Church that was established in 1848, which is a National Historic Site.
Museum board member David VanDyke says the roof is leaking and it needs a new roof to preserve the integrity of the original flooring, pews and artifacts. "It is also one of those things that is expensive, we have a cedar roof and the traditional ways of raising capital would take longer than we anticipated."
"Fixing historic sites are complicated" says VanDyke. "We are trying to keep the appearances exactly how it was when it was built way back then."
So far close to $4,000 has been raised.
Since 1975, the museum has been educating the public about the tens of thousands of people who fled to Canada to escape slavery through the Underground Railroad.