A dedicated energy expert is on the way for the Greater Essex County District School Board.
Energy costs have been climbing steadily over the years, prompting the board to move forward on an "Energy Contract" position to manage its building automation systems Tuesday.
Facilities Manager Alan Cook says it's time to move efficiency up on the priority list, and they'll need someone well versed in eco-friendly technology to do that.
"We've tried different ways in the past, to manage things through a contractor, or through some in house staff, but we've struggled over the last few years," says Cook. "We now recognize we need a dedicated person, at least for a few years moving forward, to put resources against and focus on allowing us to schedule and save energy."
Several board members asked how the hiring would be a benefit with aging building stock, but Cook says now is the time to bring in someone to manage improvements.
"There's an opportunity for energy savings that we think we have to take advantage of," he says. "There is money coming towards helping us update and replace old systems, there is dollars for that."
Cook tells AM800 News hiring an energy expert will cost the school board half of what they stand to save with a more efficient system.
"We're not adding money for the position, we're going to take it out of energy savings," says Cook. "It's going to help us from an energy saving perspective, it's going to help create a better atmosphere for our schools, and it's going to give us a better system all together."
The board will review the energy saving benefits after the first year of the three-year-term - the contract is renewable yearly.
Cook says a timeline has yet to be been set for the hiring, but the process of seeking out applicants will begin immediately.